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14 E. Bridge St.
Lambertville, NJ 08530




Store Hours

Mon-Sun: 11am-7pm

Easter Sunday 4/20:

Accepting Walk-in drop-offs for SPRING items:
Mon-Fri: 12pm-6pm
Every week!
If you wish to drop-off on Sat/Sun
please make an appointment.


Store Information



Greene Street in Lambertville is located along the scenic Delaware and Raritan Canal Trail, just across the bridge from New Hope. The community here offers a shopping experience with the latest trends in fashion at affordable prices, giving you a shopping experience you can feel good about. 


Greene Street Lambertville does NOT accept menswear.


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** Greene Street stores are closed on the following holidays: New Years Day, Thanksgiving Day, & Christmas Day.


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& follow our Lambertville store on Instagram!