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About Us


About Greene Street

For over 25 years, our mission has been to offer a resale experience like no other.  Since 1997, Greene Street has provided customers with a sustainable shopping alternative to the disposable fashion industry so prevalent today.  Shoppers will find mid-to-high-end labels at a fraction of retail prices within a clean, organized, and modern setting.  Consigning/Trading customers will find the process of making some “greene” on their women’s and men’s gently used clothing and accessories easy and rewarding.  

What started as a single, family-owned consignment shop on the Main Line in Pennsylvania has grown to include 7 brick-and-mortar locations throughout the greater Philadelphia and New Jersey areas.  Greene Street’s passion for design, fashion, sustainability, and giving back to the community continues to guide our growth. 

Everyone can do simple things to make a difference and every little bit really does count.
— Stella McCartney

shop sustainable

shop secondhand

shop local

• shop sustainable • shop secondhand • shop local


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